Douglas County ranked No 5 hot spot for young and wealthy

Dougco ranked No. 5 hot spot for young and wealthy - As large California-based companies settle in Douglas County, locals have dubbed the county "Silicon Mountain." However, there is one thing that sets Dougco apart from the other Silicon community - quality of life. Earlier this month, marketing and research giant Nielsen Claritas released a list ranking Douglas County No. 5 in the nation for the highest concentration of those aged 25 to 34 who make more than $100,000 annually. Douglas County has been one of the top counties experiencing growth in Colorado for years - this past July, ranked Dougco No. 5 in the nation for the top 25 counties experiencing job growth. Companies like GEVO Inc. and others are looking to Douglas County to relocate or to open new facilities because current and potential employees no longer want to work under conditions of the extreme commuter. Douglas County communities like Castle Pines Village offer beautiful homes, a 10-minute commute to work and a pick of a knowledgeable workforce second only to Washington D.C. in the nation for the highest number of workers with undergraduate and graduate degrees.