Thinking of relocating to Highlands Ranch?

I hope at some point I get to talk with you? When you do, you will hear from my accent that I am not from round these parts.    We relocated to Denver a few years ago and truely felt like we had landed on Mars because of the unfamiliarity of everything. I notice that with clients I work with who many be emmigrating or who are relocating from inside the US, their eyes are wide as they take in the beautiful landscapes and styles of homes.

Unless you intend to do a lease purchase, or even buy at this stage, try to decide which area you like the best. Most people moving here will begin in a rental home. I strongly recommend this as you want to really get used to living in an area before making firm roots. You might buy the house of your dreams, only to realize the area isn't what you hoped it would be.

You probably will only be in the house you pick for 12 months and you can then find the ‘perfect’ house. But I know from experience that you will begin to start settling in to an area,, if you have children, they will start to settle in school, activities,etc and start making friends. It will be a lot harder to change areas. 

So, my advice from someone who has ‘been there, worn the t-shirt’. If might be easier for you in the long run to find a perfect area with a not so perfect house, than a perfect house in a not so perfect area. You might strike gold and end up finding both??

Remember, your rental doesn't have to perfect. Your roots start in the area, your lifestyle will start to florish, and eventually when you come to buy, you can then find your 'dream home'   

Make you move to Denver, an easy one - give me a call 720 226 4168